
top 10 unexpected benefits of nursing

top 10 unexpected benefits of nursing
Through my nursing journey, I researched the scientifically proven benefits to nursing, and it truly is amazing for mom and baby! However, I came across some of my own unexpected and sometimes comical benefits by chance, and they are oh so worth sharing. Here they are: 1. You always have clean bras. I know what you're thinking, how is that possible when milk le[...]

it isn’t supposed to hurt

it isn't supposed to hurt
"Can you check and make sure I am doing this right, it really hurts and I was told it shouldn't hurt when you do it properly." The nurse scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion and responded "oh, it's going to hurt in the beginning." She then gave me a quick once over and said, "yep, everything looks good." UGH! My Bradley Method teach was a liar! She spen[...]

bridal number one

bridal number one
Since this is a friend and my first and only bridal attempt for what will surely be a long time, blog post it is. So, here (after an excruciatingly long delay) is Mrs. Sarah Waggoner (yep, that one). Special thanks to Amelia Kate Photography for letting me ambush her session for some personal practice. Seriously, and if you prefer facebook, her page is just as spectac[...]

the fastest turnaround ever

the fastest turnaround ever
In April, my husband and I were invited to be part of our dear friend's proposal surprise weekend in Flagstaff. We thought we were pretty clever, using Google Latitude on our phones to track each other's locations and planned to be in the same little meadow at the same time and I'd be able to sneakily capture the proposal moment. My husband dropped me off ahead of [...]